We are now offering you an affordable acupuncture clinic on Monday afternoons and Tuesday mornings.
Acupuncture will be just £20, which is half our normal rate. We are able to offer you this by having 2 treatment couches, separated by a screen, in each treatment room.
All of your treatments will begin with a private consultations with one of our acupuncturists. Then you will be treated in a room where one other person is being treated at the same time. We have found this way of treating to work really well.
This is how acupuncture is done in hospitals in the Far East.
David Gilbert and Vahida Diaz are the acupuncturists running this clinic. We both have over 20 years experience. Vahida has worked at the Dragon Project affordable acupuncture clinic in Brighton & was a vet before becoming an acupuncturist. Both David and Vahida have seen how much acupuncture can help you. So they are interested in making acupuncture more widely available and affordable.
For more information, see our website at www.affordableacupunctureguildford.com