Mindfulness Classes in Guildford Surrey
I teach a relaxed, friendly mindfulness class in Guildford. On Fridays we are outside in Shalford park, which is great in the spring and summer. We sit, stretch, do opening through movement, and then do a lot of partner work. A major effect of doing all this is a release of stress that has built up. Another side effect is that we learn to connect with each other in a better way. if you are already doing mindfulness, this class is an amazing way to learn to bring your mindfulness into relationships with other people.
These are small friendly classes, so are ideal for beginners as well as people with mindfulness or meditation experience.
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is about becoming more aware until one becomes the awareness more than the stuff one is aware of.
This profound change sounds simple. In reality it is usually not so easy, and many emotional and mental issues will arise that can leave the meditator feeling the need for guidance from someone who has passed that way and come out the other side.
What Do we Offer?
I teach weekly Mindfulness classes in Guildford Surrey. These are relaxed, friendly. In these classes we learn to:
- Sit in mindfulness
- Move with more awareness and connection
- Better connect with others through movement.
- Stretch
- Exercise!!!!
- release stress
- get natural vitamin D from 2 hours outside in nature.
Classes are held outside throughout the year.
Tuesdays, 5pm – Shalford Park.
Fridays, 10am – Shalford Park, on the A281 between Guildford and Shalford. we are behind the car park.
Cost : £5.00. Concessions, what you can afford.
I can also give help if you are struggling with your meditation practice, or if you want help deepening your meditation practice.
I have been doing Zen meditation and movement practice for over 30 years, and am aware of the hurdles and difficulties that tend to present when practising mindfulness for any length of time. Often the difficulties can feel very difficult indeed, and one can feel very alone with them. So feel free to contact me to talk about whats going on with you.